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Prayer and Liturgy

Love God, Love One Another

Prayer and Liturgy

Our Prayer and Worship gives glory, honour, praise and thanks to God. It is our response in word and action to God’s invitation to enter into a relationship with him made possible through the work of Jesus Christ and the witness of the Holy Spirit.


Worship is seen as an essential part of our school day. We actively involve children in ways which are suited to their age and stage of personal, social and religious development. Worship may take a variety of forms:

  • Whole School Masses
  • Weekly Reflections on Sunday’s Gospel
  • Whole School Celebration Assemblies
  • Pupil Led Class Liturgies
  • Adult Led Class Liturgies
  • Reconciliation Services (KS2)
  • Opportunities for individual/group reflection in the Prayer Room.


Responding to the Gospel

Each week a different class record their thoughts on the week’s Gospel and share this through our ‘Reflections on the Word’ book.


Pupil Led Whole School Prayer and Liturgical Prayer

Pupil Led Whole School Liturgies are planned and delivered by our Prayer Leaders. They work together as a group or with members of the Senior Leadership team to select scripture, choose artefacts and plan appropriate delivery of The Word.


Pupil Led Class Prayer and Liturgical Prayer

Within the classroom setting, liturgies may take the form of celebrations based on their topic or may focus on seasonal or world events. Daily prayers are said in each class, in the morning, before and after lunch and at home time. Each classroom has a focal point for prayer and this changes as the liturgical year progresses. Children play a vital role in the planning and delivery of liturgy in school. With increasing independence, throughout the school, children work in pairs/ small groups to choose their own theme then plan appropriate activities to gather pupils together, select scripture, identify ways for the children to respond to The Word and plan a way to take the message forth and enable their classmates to spread the word. In all of our liturgies we try to make use of artefacts and visual aids which enhance the spiritual awareness of our children.