Why is PSHE important?
PSHE teaches us how to make informed choices and be enterprising and ambitious. Through PSHE education, we focus on achieving our potential by supporting our wellbeing and tackling issues that can affect our ability to learn, such as anxiety and unhealthy relationships. In PSHE, we learn the importance of a healthy lifestyle and positive relationships.
When is PSHE taught?
PSHE is taught discretely through weekly lessons using a PSHE programme, 3D PSHE. Through this programme the pupils develop the knowledge, skills and attributes needed in order to keep themselves healthy and safe. please see below for the overviews for each year group clearly show the objectives taught. Throughout the year the whole school participates in theme days/ weeks including Anti-bullying Week, Sports Week and Mental Health Week. During this days/weeks children are immersed in learning opportunities with visitors, whole school activities and peer learning opportunities.