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Nursery 2024 - 2025

Mrs Reyes

EYFS Leader

Love God, Love One Another

Welcome to Nursery's class page!


Class Teachers - Mrs Reyes 

Teaching Assistant -  Miss Hassall

Home learning sheet spring 1.JPG

Click to picture to download document


To see the overview of the RE we will be covering this year please Click here



Every Friday children will receive an information sheet. This sheet with give a brief overview of what we has been covered in school that week, what we will cover the following week and how you can help your child at home. Please click the link at the top of the page to download weekly informationn sheet. 



Each Term, from autumn 2, the children will have the oppotunity to choose a library book to take home with them. This is a book for them to share with your and enjoy together. The books will be sent home on Friday and should be Returned the following Wednesday.

Being ready to and joining in with stories is a vital part of not only children's early reading development but is crucial to the development of their communication and language. Children should be read to every day. A good time to do this, is to impliment it into your bedtime routine. If you would like more information about the developemt of reading at St Aidan's please go to our Reading and phonics page.




Every Monday children will take part in Movement Mondays. The children will engage in a variety of physical actitivies indoors and outdoors. The children need to come to school in their PE kit.


Extra support and help at home

To fine out more about what your child has been doing in class and ways to continue their learning at home please follow the link below.

Nursery Weekly Information and Activities


Files to Download

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