Year 4 2024 - 2025
Miss Wrighton
Love God, Love One Another
Welcome to the Year 4 class page
Class teacher- Miss Wrighton
Teaching assistant- Miss Borkin and Mrs Forrow
To see the over view of the RE we will be covering this year please here
The work will be sent home every Friday and is to be returned the following Wednesday at the very latest.
Spellings will be given out on a Friday and children will be tested the following Friday. Your child will have login deatails for EdShed. This is an online learning platform to practise their weekly spellings. If you have any questions about EdShed please come and see me.
Reading books and reading days have been given out; please encourage your child to read a few pages every night. Books are changed on a weekly basis but please encourage your child to bring in their book to be changed if they have finished it before their reading day.
Every child will have their login details for TTrockstars (Please come and see me if you need another copy) This is a great website/app that can be used to encourage quik recall of times tables. Children should aim to play for 5 minutes everyday.
P.E. & Games 
P.E is on Monday and Wednesday.
Children need to come into school wearing full school uniform and will get changed for P.E at school.
P.E kit is as follows- plain white T-shirt, blue/black school P.E shorts (no cycling shorts) and blue/black jogging bottoms when the weather is cold, trainers/ pumps for outside P.E.
Children will attend swimming lessons every Thursday (from February 2025)
Swimming Kit
Swimming Costume or trunks (No bikinis please)
Swimming hat
The children must also remove any jewellery including earrings.
Class dojo 
Please ensure you are signed up to class dojo. You can keep track of how many points your child is receiving in class. I also post messages on here for parents.
Miss Wrighton